Are you or someone you care for having regular bouts of hives? If you are looking for essential oils to treat hives, you should know that hives are a sign of a serious medical condition, and you should seek emergency care.
Essential oil for hives can be used to help the skin heal after the cause of the hives has been determined, and you have had treatment for the allergic reaction.
Remember that ultimately you are responsible for your own health and wellness and must decide when emergency medical care is required.
All of that being said, essential oils can help reduce the size and severity of hives and even help the skin heal after the initial reaction has subsided.
Remember that hives are a sign of an urgent allergic reaction, so essential oils alone aren’t likely to be the only intervention you will need.
Several essential oils have properties that can soothe, calm, and heal the skin rapidly.
The Best Essential Oils for Hives
Remember, it’s critical to seek care first before worrying about essential oil application. Hives are a sign of a severe allergic reaction:
1. Helichrysum essential oil
It is excellent for tissue repair and, aromatically, can help with congestion of the body associated with reactions that cause hives.
2. Cedarwood essential oil
It is terrific for increasing moisture and promoting new skin growth.
3. Magnolia essential oil
It is a dynamic anti-inflammatory agent, which is great for something like hives on the surface of the skin.
Magnolia has a calming and sedative effect for the entire body too.
Overall, it has effects of suppressing the immune system, which lends to the feeling that your body is not under attack.
4. Lavender essential oil
Lavender acts as a mild sedative and has antiseptic properties. It can work topically and aromatically for the entire body, calming the nervous system and heart rate.
I love this EO for everything from treating bed sores or softening uncomfortable skin chafing or even coming to the rescue to help stop bleeding.
Most Effective Recipes and Pairing Suggestions
Essential oils are highly potent oils extracted from plants. They make excellent home remedies because they are all-natural, cost-effective, and safe when used correctly.
Their strength and potency are essential to their healing properties, but it also makes it vital for you to know a few points before beginning.
The essential oils that are best suited for hives are pretty strong, and this is a good thing because it means they have powerful healing properties and a reminder that you must proceed with caution.
For example, never leave kids alone to do their own essential oil work.
It’s crucial to respect essential oils and treat them like medications, only using them when needed and at the proper dose.
If essential oils start to burn too intensely or if you get them in your eyes or other sensitive areas, use a carrier oil to dilute and stop the pain.
Suppose you do get oil in your eyes or some other delicate area that causes burning – flush with olive oil or coconut oil. Please do not add water, as it will intensify the pain.
Also important…
I urge you to pay attention to a little science lesson here. Some people on the internet will tell you to ingest essential oils orally for hives or allergic reactions or put a few drops in a cup of water, and that is a big no-no.
Essential oils are hydrophobic, which means they don’t mix with water. It is reckless and dangerous to ingest essential oils, so don’t DIY it without supervision from a clinical aromatherapist.
I want to reiterate that hives often require medical intervention. Ultimately you are responsible for your health and wellness and must determine when to seek medical care.
Shortness of breath, swelling of the neck and face region, worsening or persistent symptoms are all reasons to reach out for emergency treatment.
For best results, we are going to use topical methods to apply essential oils. I will give you some specific ways to use essential oils for hives below.
But first, I want to provide you with a couple of combinations to help you maximize the properties that will assist you and to healing those hives fast.
To get started, you will want to select your oils. Make your selection by checking the symptoms you need the most help with or which oils resonate the most for you.
You can pair any or all of the oils listed to create a blend that is perfect for you, or use one of the suggestions below:
1. Lavender and Cedarwood
These two are a lovely combination to help the skin cells regenerate and provide a mild sedative effect.
2. Lavender and Helichrysum
This pair is preferred if the hives are more prominent, such as palm-sized lesions. The helichrysum can help with deeper tissue repair.
How to Use Essential Oils for Hives
Safety first! Make sure you dilute your essential oil and have a nice plant-based oil nearby if your skin starts to get warm or irritated.
Some favorite carrier oils are fractionated coconut oil, olive oil, or grapeseed oil. Any plant-based oils will work.
Topical Application Essential Oil Recipe for Hives
You are going to need a carrier or to start with. You cannot skip this step. You must dilute your essential oils appropriately with a plant-based carrier oil such as grapeseed oil.
Coconut oil also works well because it stays on top of the skin and is absorbed more slowly. If you don’t have either of those on hand, any plant-based kitchen oil will work just fine too, simply ensure that it is food grade.
Place one tablespoon of carrier oil (or plant-based oil of your choice) into a small glass bowl. Select your oil(s) from above and drop 2-4 drops of each oil or 4-6 drops total into the tablespoon of olive oil.
Stir the bowl lightly so that the oils mix. Then apply directly to the area of the hives. Ensure you massage it in and have extra carrier oil on hand in case of increased burning or stinging. Reapply this same formula five or more times daily until the irritation is gone.
Using the topical method of essential oil application to treat the after-effects of an allergic reaction, such as hives, is safe and effective.
Take advantage of the healing properties of plants to help soothe, calm, and repair skin after hives.
Essential oils use for hives are a far more effective treatment than most over-the-counter lotions and creams.