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Best Deep Fryers Reviewed and Tested

Best Deep Fryers Reviewed and Tested

If you are a fan of deep fried foods, you must also be aware of your friends and neighbors gasping about calories every time you make French fries or deep fry a patty.

However, the top deep fryer for home will not only control the amount of calories your food carries but will also help with the usage of cooking oil.

Plus, when you spend ample time choosing the best deep fryer after going through home deep fryer reviews, you will also notice that the texture and taste of your fried creations is much better.

Read on for my personal reviews and recommendations of the top deep fryers available in the market today, and learn how to make an informed buying decision while purchasing your very own best home deep fryer. Jane’s Kitchen Miracles is your place to find out about all those little secrets that most people don’t know when it comes to frying to perfection.

Our Top 3 Picks

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Why Would You Need A Deep Fryer?

A deep fryer is a cooking appliance not a lot of people own but if you love fried foods, it is the ultimate addition to your kitchen.

Basically, this is an appliance where you can submerge your favorite foods like fried fish in oil completely and fry them without worrying about burns and splatters. It ensures uniform frying and you cannot achieve such results with a pot where a lot of oil also gets wasted.

A deep fryer is comparatively safer, especially if you choose to go for a big brand that is trusted and reputed.

You would need a deep fryer for the following meals:

fried foodCooking The Perfect Thanksgiving Turkey:

What makes a perfect Thanksgiving turkey? It is moistness on the inside and a crispy exterior. In fact, the crispy skin of the turkey is the best thing about a Thanksgiving dinner but in order to reach that in the microwave, you end up drying the inside stuffing.

With a deep fryer, however, you can have the perfectly crispy outside and juicy, soft inside.

Many chefs agree that deep frying is the best way to cook turkey for Christmas because it gives just enough heat to the inside to cook it, while still allowing it to remain crisp and crunchy.

Making Snacks Like Fries, Tater Tots, and Onion Rings:

If you have children in your house, you must be used to frequent demands of tater tots, onion rings and french fries.

Even adults love crispy chicken wings. Instead of wasting money on ordering fries and wings whenever someone demands it, you can easily make them on your own if you have a deep fryer.

Quantity would not be an issue and you could also save money in the long run.

Plus, a deep fryer can also be good for saving oil (and reducing expenses) because you can reuse the oil as much as 15 to 20 times.

What Is The Best Deep Fryer?

The Masterbuilt Butterball is the best deep fryer and majority of deep fryer reviews agree with this conclusion because this product is relatively inexpensive, especially when you consider the features it is equipped with. It was the number 1 food related gift on several years in a row and for good reason!

14 lbs. Turkey Capacity – If people in your house love to consume deep fried 14 lbs. turkey, this is the best home deep fryer you could ever hope for.

Healthy Frying – If you are worried about the health of your, you would also love the fact that the oil usage with this model is less as compared to others. You could prepare delicious fried goodies with this fryer and not worry about health problems.

Great Size – Another great advantage of this fryer is the amount of things you can fit in it – from corndogs and shrimps to a chicken and full sized turkey.

food fryingEnhanced Safety Features – The lid in the Masterbuilt Butterball has a no-spatter feature which is good for safety, particularly if you fry frozen foods.

There are vents at the back of the fryer for controlling odor and ensuring that your fryer doesn’t get too hot. The fryer offers quite a bargain when the features are considered.

Some people might prefer smaller fryers in their home and they would be disappointed with the Masterbuilt Butterball because it is quite massive in size.

However, if your kitchen has the space, you should definitely consider investing in this best fryer because you would not regret your decision. It offers good heat retention and there is no heat loss because of the porcelain lined inner pot of the fryer.

Things to Consider Before Buying Your Deep Fryer

When you are going through deep fryer reviews, you will have to base your decision on a number of factors such as performance, features, capacity, safety, and price.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”coin” wrap=”i”] Price

Cost is most influenced by how big the fryer is. In fact, most deep fryer reviews balance cost against features because it is the most important factor. If you are looking for a massive fryer that would fry one whole turkey for you, you might have to keep a large budget aside for your purchase.

However, if you have a small family or are only going to use your fryer occasionally, you can easily make do with a small or medium sized fryer as well.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”spinner-2″ wrap=”i”] Performance

The performance of your deep fryer would usually be measured in Watts (W). This wattage decides the strength of heating elements in the fryer while means that higher the wattage of your deep fryer, stronger these elements would be.

Basically, your oil would get heated much quicker in a deep fryer with a higher wattage. Heat retention is another performance factor that gets affected by the wattage of the fryer.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”cogs” wrap=”i”] Features

If you want to control the temperature of the oil in your best deep fryer, the temperature setting feature would be extremely helpful to you.

It is usually accompanied by an indicator light that tells you when you can start frying your food. Because this appliance is so hard to clean, models that come with removable components should be preferred. As you remove the components, you would be able to clean nooks and crannies where oil or food might be stuck in the fryer.

A fryer with a visual or audio timer would inform you about the readiness of your deep fryer. These are the built in features with some deep fryers that are extremely helpful.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkbox-checked” wrap=”i”] Capacity

Depending on how many people would be served, you need a deep fryer that would be able to offer that capacity. Otherwise, you will have to fry in batches to serve everyone in the family.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”spam” wrap=”i”] Safety

A deep fryer holds a lot of oil and this can be dangerous if you do not look for adequate safety features in your deep fryer.

Some safety features are available even in the cheapest of models and best home deep fryer brands add even more safety features for the protection of their users. Common safety features include the safety seal lid lock and magnetic power cord.

10 Best Deep Fryers


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Best Deep Fryer Brands

Hamilton Beach Deep Fryers

Hamilton Beach is the preferred brand for low to medium budget users with small families.

The largely positive hamilton beach deep fryer reviews show that this brand is one of the best out there for you, especially if you wish to have all the best features wrapped in a beautiful body.

Variety of Sizes – The most popular Hamilton Beach models are for smaller families but they also have products with larger capacity. Thus, the sizing is quite versatile with this brand.

Splatter Free – A useful feature of splatter free frying is present in a lot of top Hamilton Beach deep fryer models that you will find useful because it reduces the mess from deep frying foods regularly.

Useful Features – The best features of their products include timers and adjustable heat mechanism. Hamilton Beach deep fryers also come with breakaway cords for quick and easy storage.

Easy Cleaning and Durability – This brand scores high on simple and easy maintenance because of its removable and dishwasher friendly models that are non-stick. You will find the products to be highly durable.

Recommended Models – A great model from Hamilton Beach is [easyazon_link identifier=”B00ANEKTTA” locale=”US” tag=”janeskitchenmiracles1-20″ title=”Hamilton Beach Deep Fryer” ]Hamilton Beach Cool Touch 35021 Deep Fryer[/easyazon_link] that has an 8 cup capacity which would be perfect for your small – medium sized family, cool touch handle for extra safety, and the depth to fry a full chicken and despite all these features, it is completely affordable.

Hamilton Beach Pro 35034 Deep Fryer is another amazing model that has double baskets for cooking two kinds of items, 12 cup capacity for feeding a crowd, adjustable temperature, and adjustable timer.

Cuisinart Deep Fryers

Most cuisinart deep fryer reviews are from medium budget users but you may not know that this brand also offers professional grade models for those who have large families or frequently entertain guests with their fried delicacies. This is a trusted and reliable brand.

Compact Size – The best models of Cuisinart are quite compact in size and they would be loved by you if you don’t have a lot of counter space in your kitchen. Most models have a stainless steel body.

Good Safety Features – The safety features of Cuisinart models include the magnet in the cord which stops the fryer from toppling over when the deep fryer is unplugged from the power socket.

Oil Saving – Cuisinart is a great model for you if you don’t like wasting oil but regularly use your deep fryer. The oil doesn’t go stale even after repeated uses.

Good Heating Time – Because of the great heating time facilitated by decent wattage of Cuisinart models, your frying can finish up quickly. Heat retention while frying frozen foods is also quite good with the models of this brand.

Recommended Models – A top model from Cuisinart includes the [easyazon_link identifier=”B000EU68MU” locale=”US” tag=”janeskitchenmiracles1-20″ title=”Cuisinart CDF-100 1.1-Liter Deep Fryer” ]Cuisinart Compact CDF-100[/easyazon_link] that is a mini deep fryer with ¾ lbs food capacity, 1.1L oil capacity, and maximum temperature capability of 375F which shows that despite its small size, this model is still quite efficient.

Cuisinart 1800W CPF503SA is a slightly higher end model with LED indicators, 1800W immersion element, 3 separate fry baskets, and a food capacity of 2.3 lbs, ideal for you if your family is big and you need a fryer that goes beyond the basics.

Waring Deep Fryers

There are a number of positive waring deep fryer reviews because this brand is one of the best in the market.

The products are made from good quality material and are extremely durable in nature. They also offer great value for your money, as remarked by a number of waring pro deep fryer reviews.

Home To Commercial Models – There are a variety of models available with Waring – from home models that general consumers might use to professional and commercial grade models with advanced features.

Medium To High Budget – There are no low budget models available with Waring but if you have a medium to high budget, this is the best brand to go for.

Good Performance – The performance with almost all Waring products is amazing because of the wattage of their deep fryers. This ensures that oil is heated quickly in the fryer and heat is retained for a long time.

Good Accessories – Various accessories like additional baskets for controlling the quantity of fried foods is provided with various Waring models which makes the brand worth the additional money spent.

Recommended Models – A top model from Waring includes Waring pro professional deep fryer DF280 that offers amazing performance with its 1800W heating element, accurate temperature control, baskets of two sizes, and removable oil container to make life easier for you.

Waring DF55 Pro Deep Fryer is a professional grade deep fryer with the small capacity of 2 quart oil and over 1 lbs food. The heating element is 1500W and this model is easy to clean because of its dishwasher safe parts.

T-Fal Deep Fryers

There are a wide variety of t fal deep fryer reviews for different T-Fal products out there because this brand has amazing number of models for deep fryers.

No matter what your requirement may be, you would find something from T-Fal as it is a household name when it comes to home appliances.

Both Low And High Budget – If your budget is low, you would definitely find a couple of T-Fal models to suit your requirements but if you are a medium to high budget consumer, there are many choices to go for with T-Fal.

Oil Filtration – A unique oil filtration system is common is higher end models from T-Fal where you can ensure minimal oil absorption in foods and enhance reuse of oil after frying.

Removable Components – The components of most T-Fal models are removable so that cleaning is easy and fuss free. They are also extremely durable and coated using non-stick material or ceramic for heat retention.

Good Performance – The wattage varies with different models and affects the price accordingly but performance is always top notch with all T-fal deep fryers in the market.

Recommended Models – Some top recommended models from this brand includeT-fal Oil Filtration FR8000 and T-fal Professional FR4049 Plus Waffle. The FR8000 is frequently in the top 10 list of deep fryers because of its patented filtration system that allows the oil to be reused multiple times in this 1700W model.

The FR4049 is a simpler model with comparable features like 3.3L oil capacity, 2.3 lb food capacity, cool touch handle, and viewing window but the heating element of this model is 1600W.

Emeril Deep Fryers

Famous chef Emeril Lagasse is the owner of this brand and he owns a cooking appliance line from T-Fal as well. Emeril products are amazing in their innovation and uniqueness but they are most known for their practical features.

The brand understands exactly what you desire and you cannot go wrong with an emeril deep fryer.

Medium to High Budget – The Emeril brand is not for those you if you have a small deep fryer budget. But if you are willing to spend a bit more, you’d realize that it is quite affordable, considering the features that come with it.

Digital Temperature Control – The temperature control in various Emeril deep fryers is actually digital which means better accuracy and precise deep frying, especially for dishes where this is important.

Oil Storage System – You will love the oil storage feature like almost all the other users of Emeril because it makes oil transfer quite easy and also helps to save oil.

Good For Medium Sized Families – Because of the capacity of most Emeril deep fryers, one model can easily be used for serving your small to medium sized family with ease.

Recommended Models – The Emeril FR7009 Deep Fryer is the best model by this brand because despite its medium budget price, it still has an oil filtration feature that is quite state of the art. Plus, it offers great performance at 1700W.

The Emeril FR701 Deep Fryer comes with a unique oil change light that informs you when the oil has become too stale to be reused. It has an odor filter, 1700W heating element, and adjustable thermostat as well.

Oster Deep Fryers

The best thing about going for an oster deep fryer is that you don’t have to drill too big a hole in your pocket to satisfy your fried food cravings. Plus, Oster is a reputed brand that would offer you products with all the basic and necessary features.

Low Budget Users – If you are a low budget user and are looking for something basic and trusted, you can go for Oster. The low price doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice on quality, however.

Good Filtration – Filtration systems are not only essential for reusing the oil in the deep fryer but also for removing odor from the appliance. You can enjoy dual filtration systems in Oster models.

Removable Parts – The parts of Oster deep fryers are easy to remove which makes cleaning an easy affair and makes life easy for you.

Indicator Lights – There are indicator lights in many Oster models that inform you when the oil is heated to the correct temperature and when it is ready to fry food.

Recommended Models – One highly recommended model from Oster includes Oster Deep Fryer Cool Touch CKSTDFZM55 and its best feature is the double filter that is added to this affordable deep fryer. It also has a compact size which hides the amazing 3L oil capacity in this 1500W fryer.

Oster Deep Fryer 1.5L is an extremely inexpensive fryer that has a capacity of 1.5l, enough for your small to medium sized family. It offers 1200W of power.

Delonghi Deep Fryers

Delonghi is known not just for its deep fryers but also for other kitchen appliances like espresso machines.

The brand is quite a popular one in the market and its deep fryers score well on performance and safety. They are also beautifully designed and durable in nature which means that they would last for a long time.

Medium Budget – There are no low models available with Delonghi that are too costly and if you have a low to medium budget, this is the ideal brand to go for.

Good Safety Features – Safety features of Delonghi include the detachable cord with magnetic feature which ensures that the fryer does not topple over. Other safety features include a condensation shield and cool touch handle.

Digital Controls – Digital controls ensure better accuracy and precision in deep frying which is important for temperature sensitive dishes like Turkey and chicken which can go dry if you set the temperature too high.

Dual Filtration – Delonghi models have dual filtration systems that are not only essential for reusing the oil in the deep fryer but also for removing odor from the appliance.

Recommended Models – The models with the best delonghi deep fryer reviews is Delonghi Roto deep fryer. This is a budget model that is just right in its pricing and has a 1 ½ lbs food capacity. The oil draining system of this model is quite unique and uses patented technology of Delonghi.

The Delonghi dual zone deep fryer has a uniquely designed hose at the end of the appliance that can be used for draining oil. It also has temperature capability of 370F.

Presto Deep Fryers

There are some many models of Presto with great presto deep fryer reviews that it is impossible to pick the best – that is how good this brand is. It has a long standing reputation for quality products that are durable and long lasting.

More than anything, you can rest assured that you would get great value for your money by going for a Presto deep fryer.

Different Sizes Available – There are many sizes available in Presto – from the biggest (if you want great capacity) to the smallest (if you want your fryer to fit on tiny countertops in your small kitchen).

Safety Features – The safety features of Presto deep fryers include a detachable cord with magnetic lock and snap on lid to prevent splashing of oil.

Easy To Clean – The units may or may not be immersible, depending on the model, but they are still easy to clean and dry which makes their maintenance quite easy for an average user.

Ideal For Medium Sized Families – Because of the capacity of Presto deep fryers, medium sized families with around 6 people can easily be satisfied with their models.

Recommended Models – A few recommended models from Presto include Presto 06003 and Presto 05466. The 06003 is a multi-purpose style model that acts as a steamer and multi-cooker as well.

This model is for you if you need minimal frying and steaming features. The 05466 is a specialized deep fryer that comes with two baskets for frying two separate food items – especially fish and chicken.

How To Use A Deep Fryer

Always start by reading the instruction manual of your deep fryer because even the best deep fryer has some unique workings that should be understood before you prepare your first fried meal.

  1. Set Up Your Fryer – Add the oil first before turning on your fryer. Ensure that the oil level doesn’t go over the indicated “Fill” line of your best home deep fryer. Then set the temperature according to the instructions manual.This is an important step. Generally, french fries become nice and crispy at 375F, fish should be fried around 320F, and poultry works best at 350F. Make sure that your fryer is away from any water source so that there is no splashing and accidental burning.
  2. Prepare Your Food – Start by cutting and washing vegetables (like potatoes for fries) and then, use a soft washcloth to dry them. Try to take away as much moisture as you can from the surface of vegetables before you put them in boiling oil because water and oil don’t react well together.If you are frying frozen items, you would do well to thaw them in advance before you start frying them. Set the deep fryer basket in the appliance beforehand and use it for adding food items.
  3. Start Frying – It is best to fry small batches of food if you want the results to be even and crispy. If you add too much at once, your fried delicacies would be greasy and soggy. Plus, you would end up wasting too much time because the oil’s temperature would drop instantly when too many things are added.Before serving, lift the basket and let the excess oil drain. Then, place the fried items on tissues so that they are not overly oily.

And here is very helpful video guide:

how to use deep fryer ,how to cook chicken, french fryer with an electric deep fryer

Which Deep Fryer Size Is Best For Your Kitchen?

There are many kinds of deep fryers out there and they are mostly categorised on the basis of their size.

There are mini fryers that are extremely compact and can fit in the tiniest of kitchens. Portable fryers are small in size but bigger than mini deep fryers. As such, they have more capacity. Large deep fryers are large in size and can also be outdoor deep fryers. They have a lot of capacity.

Mini Deep Fryers

The Cuisinart CDF-100 is a portable and the best mini deep fryer with a capacity of 1.1l and because of its size, it occupies a small counter space.

This fryer has one fry basket that can hold up to ¾ pound of food and the maximum oil that the fryer can hold is 1.1L. It is simple to store and easy to clean.

Small to Medium Deep Fryers

The T-Fal FR4049 is a small to medium deep fryer that would work well for your medium sized kitchen that has some amount of countertop space but not too much.

This best small deep fryer has many positive small deep fryer reviews because of features like 3.3l oil capacity, 2.65 lbs food capacity, and countdown timer.

Large Deep Fryers

Large deep fryers can also be compact and portable, depending on the model but if you worried about their size, they can still fit in a medium-large sized kitchen. The best large deep fryer is the Secura 1700W deep fryer with a capacity of 17 cups or 4.2l.

This fryer has 3 baskets and has a good recovery time. It comes with removable parts for easy cleaning, auto timer and adjustable heat feature as well.

How To Clean a Deep Fryer

You should clean your deep fryer after every use because you don’t want debris from the food to get stuck in the fryer and ruin the taste of anything you fry. Here are some steps on how to clean a deep fryer.

How to Clean a Deep Fryer

Remove The Oil – Start by unplugging your deep fryer and let the oil cool before you continue.

Check if your oil is still good for another use. If you can see no debris or odd smell from your cooking oil, you should transfer it to a storage container before you start cleaning your deep fryer. Use a mesh skimmer when you are transferring the oil so that any tiny debris is caught and your oil is fit to use.

Make sure the storage container can be sealed shut.

Clean The Basket – You can use a special deep fryer cleaning detergent or good old soap and water with degreaser for cleaning your fryer. Use a sponge or scrubber for gently exfoliating the basket before you clean it with warm water. Allow it to dry before moving on to the next step.

Clean The Fryer’s Interior – The fryer’s interiors can be cleaned quite simply by first adding water and the detergent to it and boiling it out. After you are done with that and the water has cooled down, use a scrubber or a spatula cleaner to gently scrape the surface. After this, repeat the boil out and use dish soap to follow the same process again.

Clean The Fryer’s Exterior – Use a sponge and dish soap for cleaning out the exterior of your fryer. Never submerge your deep fryer in water, especially an electric one. Wipe down using a soft cloth and make sure everything is dry before you reassemble your fryer and use it again.

Electric Deep Fryer vs Gas Deep Fryer

While going through deep fryer reviews for the best deep fryer, you will come across two major kinds of deep fryers – electric fryer and gas fryers. Both the types have their own set of pros and cons, but an electric deep fryer is considered to be the best home deep fryer because it has more pros than cons.

Electric Deep Fryer

This type of fryer heats the oil by immersing the element inside it.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i” color=”green”] Pros: The turnaround time for electric fryers is quite less which means that you can follow batches of food in quick succession, especially during a party. Prices of electricity are less than gas and thus, your utility costs would be lower with this option. Also, these fryers are typically quite portable.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”cancel-circle” wrap=”i” color=”red”] Cons: You will notice that It takes even the best electric deep fryer time to reach the needed temperature.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-3″ wrap=”i” color=”#000944″] Recommended Model: One of the most popular electric deep fryers is the Presto 05420. It get so many rave electric fryer reviews because of advanced features like enhanced oil efficiency and built in thermostat. You even get some handy basic features like temperature settings, non stick pot, cool touch handle, and advanced filtration system that make this model quite cost effective.

Gas Deep Fryer

This type of fryer has a burner inside, running through the shortening and facilitating the heating of the oil.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i” color=”green”] Pros: Gas fryers can reach the desired temperature much more quickly. You can also enjoy a great recovery time.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”cancel-circle” wrap=”i” color=”red”] Cons: Gas fryers have a longer turnaround time which means you have to wait between batches. Gas has recently become a lot more expensive than electricity which increases utility costs for gas deep fryers. Because of the gas line, these units can be bulky, especially if you have a smaller kitchen.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-3″ wrap=”i” color=”#000944″] Recommended Model: One great gas deep fryer model for home use is the Kitchener Deep Fryer with Triple Basket. This model has removable legs so that you can quickly transport it from your home to backyard. It also comes with three stainless steel baskets. A great safety feature with this model is that the regulators and hose are listed by CSA.

Deep Fryer Features

When you are checking out the best rated deep fryer models, here are some features to watch out for:


A 2 – 4 cup portable deep fryer is usually enough for a small family while a 6 – 12 cup fryer might be necessary if you have a large number of people. The capacity determines not just the amount of food but also the size of it, like turkey or chicken.

Adjustable Temperature Setting

If you are going to fry different kinds of food items, you need adjustable temperature setting to facilitate everything. Previously, only larger and higher end models that come with high wattage had this feature. Now, however, medium budget users can enjoy this feature as well.


Baskets that come with deep fryers help to drain the oil from your food after you have finished them. They also help you put the food in the fryer. They are made from mesh. Typically, double deep fryer and dual deep fryer models have a large number of baskets that come with the fryer.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Cleaning and maintenance of fryers is made easy when there are removable and detachable parts. Some fryers are also dishwasher safe in nature. Stainless steel bodies are the easiest to clean because they need a simple wipe down and your outdoor deep fryer would be ready to go.

Multi-Purpose Feature

Multi-purpose feature of fryers typically adds to the cost but it can do many things at once. These fryers also act as steamers when you need to steam your food. They also work as boilers when needed. You can basically cook an entire meal in these fryers.

Oil Less

The oil less feature in deep fryers is for those people who are conscious about their health. Convection, infrared, and halogen is used to reduce or completely eliminate the amount of oil used.

What Kind Of Oil Is Best For Deep Frying?

The best deep fryer oil depends on two important factors – fats and smoke point. The best oil to use for deep frying is the one with lower fats because it is healthier and a higher smoking point because it would take longer for it to burn. There are many oil options you have for deep frying:

Sunflower Oil

This pale yellow oil is considered to be the best oil to deep fry with simply because it has a high smoking point. It can stand an amazing amount of temperature. Plus, it is quite healthy because this oil is rich in Vitamin E. It is low in bad, saturated fats as well. You can buy sunflower oil in two main varieties- linoleic and high oleic. They are both easily available.

Peanut Oil

Peanut oil is the best oil for home deep fryer because it is affordable and smokes at 450F. It is available in refined form and various Chinese restaurants use it. Roasted, aromatic and cold pressed peanut oil is also available in the market.

The level of mono and polyunsaturated fats (good fats) is high in this oil while saturated fat is low, making it a healthy but affordable option for your family.

Sesame Oil

This kind of oil smokes around 410F and is ideal for your regular home frying needs. It is made using pressed and roasted sesame seeds and you would find it in the market in a semi-refined form. However, the level of polyunsaturated fat in this oil is quite high which doesn’t make it too healthy an option for your family.

Sweet Almond Oil

This is the most healthy oil available because of its decent smoking temperature of 420F and presence of omega 9 fats, vitamin K, vitamin E, and lack of trans fats.

Deep Fryers That Are Best For Particular Dish

Best Turkey Deep Fryer

turkeyMasterbuilt 23011114 Butterball is the best deep fryer for turkey because it is extra large in size and you can deep fry even the biggest turkey with this model. It also works as a boiler and can fit a 20 lb turkey quite easily.

Best Deep Fryer For Chicken Wings

chicken wingsChicken wings can be nice and crispy with the Presto GranPappy 05411. It is basic looking and is a bucket style fryer that can be used on your countertop without any worries. It has a power of 1500W which ensures that high temperature is reached quickly.

Best Deep Fryer For Fish

salmonFish fryers need to have splatter free frying feature that the Hamilton Beach 35021 deep fryer has. It has a 6 cup capacity so your fish won’t go soggy when you fry them all together. It is also quite small.

Best Commercial Deep Fryers

fried food served in cafeBig restaurants and hotels typically look for the best commercial deep fryer instead of a regular one because they have higher demands and need to feed a large number of people. Plus, they don’t have the luxury of long waiting times. This is why commercial deep fryer reviews are mostly left by managers and owners of restaurants and hotels. These fryers have a few marked differences from home deep fryers:

  • Capacity – Instead of the average 2 – 12 cup capacity of the average best home deep fryer, commercial fryers can hold as much as 40 pounds of oil at one time. The units are often rated on the basis of capacity by manufacturers. Good commercial fryers have a volume of about 2 times their oil capacity. This means, that a good commercial 40 pound fryer would produce as much as 80 pounds of french fries in an hour.
  • Recovery Time – The recovery time of commercial fryers is much better than home fryers because they are designed in that way. They need to churn out fried items in quick succession so that customers aren’t kept waiting. They can reach high temperatures quickly because of higher wattage.
  • Cold Zone – The cold zone is located at the bottom of the fryer where small food debris, crackling, and breading will settle down. This is also called the sediment zone and it is large in certain types of commercial fryers, like tube commercial fryers.
  • Recommended Model – The [easyazon_link locale=”US” tag=”janeskitchenmiracles1-20″ identifier=”B00BY17SOA” title=”Cuisinairre Single Stainless Steel Deep Fryer” ]commercial dual fryer from Cuisenaire[/easyazon_link] has a capacity of 6 liters and double compartments for cooking two separate food items without mixing them up together. This is the best model for medium sized restaurants and also comes with various safety features like double electric cords. The maximum temperature of 392F is easily reached by this fryer and the recovery time is quite cook as well.

Making a decision

Now that you have gone through all these deep fryer reviews and know that the best deep fryer is the Masterbuilt Butterball, you can make an informed choice about the best fryer for your requirements. It is always advised to balance the cost with various features, especially the kind of food you are going to fry.

Do you fry fish or chicken wings more? Are you getting a deep fryer to fry a whole turkey? Make a decision only after reading detailed reviews.

Choose online sites over local stores to enjoy big discounts and sales, especially during the festival season. Buy your deep fryer now and say goodbye to soggy fries and fish.

fried food



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